Managed Private Cloud

CAS Cloud provides separate Private Virtualized Cloud Services for BFIs to cater to their specific requirements. Private Virtual Cloud is a method for virtually hosting multiple domain names on a single server (or pool of servers). This allows multiple users on one server to share its resources, such as memory and processor cycles, without requiring all services provided to use the same hostname. Access is limited to clients who have availed of this service.

For those who want to take advantage of the cost and scalability of a cloud based virtual environment without the risks of a public cloud, the Private Virtual Cloud is the ideal solution. We cater to commercial banks that run their Core Banking Software on our Private Virtual Cloud. However, this service can be used by other large corporate houses to operate their equally security conscious applications.

  • Private virtualized cloud services for Banking and Financial Institutions and Corporate Houses to cater their requirements taking the advantages of the cost and scalability by giving companies direct control over their own data.
  • Can be used by commercial banks as well another large corporate houses to operate their equally security conscious applications.

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For those who want to take advantage of the cost and scalability of a cloud based virtual environment without the risks of a public cloud

Private clouds are the most secure of all cloud computing platforms, but they must be created that way. You’ll be in much better shape if the infrastructure you construct it on is secure. Plus, you’ll have better visibility into your environment than a public cloud, whether you build your own private cloud or use one provided by us.

Yes, of course! Your private cloud, is tailored to your specific requirements and objectives. When you build your own cloud, you may configure it to meet your specific security, backup, networking, and connection requirements. A public cloud, on the other hand, is typically a one-size-fits-all solution that, in reality, does not fit the majority of enterprises. You may personalize your services and applications as much as you want with private cloud while still meeting the strictest security requirements.

Managed Private Cloud

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